

  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用一、Eye contact helps you concentrat眼神交流能帮你集中注意力

  When your eyes are just scanning a room you end up taking in a lot of imagery. All those colors and shapes actually slow your brain down because it’s trying to

  concentrate on what you’re saying and also on all of this other stuff that your eyes graze over. By making eye contact every now and then, it allows your brain to focus on just one thing which clears it out to focus on what you’re trying to say.


  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用二、It helps others pay attention 帮助别人集中注意力

  Making eye contact with somebody is a good way to get them to pay attention to you. These days with smartphones, readily available WiFi for laptops, and other distractions, it’s really easy for a crowd to start to lose focus. You can help restore this focus by making eye contact with people. If you look at them they will also look at you. This is especially effective for smaller crowds. It’s a simple formula. If you look at them then they will look at you and if you cannot then they probably won’t.


  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用三、It gives you authority 会让你显得更专业

  This one is easy to understand once you’ve seen an example. Parents and police officers especially know this. If your child can’t look at you in the face when they tell you something, chances are they are lying or are ashamed about what they’ve done. The same can be said for public speaking with small variations. If you can’t make eye contact with your listeners, your listeners will subconsciously lose faith that you know what you’re talking about. This is why tech companies typically find the most charismatic person to give presentations .


  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用四、Sustained eye contact can give you confidence 持续的眼神交流会增加你的信心

  In the movies, you’ll see something akin to this in action. The man and the woman stare at each other for about 30 seconds and then they start kissing uncontrollably. Now we’re not saying that people are going to rush the stage and kiss you because that’s absurd. However, when you have eye contact with an individual you can give yourself more confidence.


  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用五、It turns your listeners into participants 能让你的听众逐渐参与进来

  When your audience notices that you’re look at them, it encourages them to respond using facial gestures. If you’re speaking and you look at someone who then frowns then you know something isn’t going right. This gives you a chance to change tactics. Looking at people, reading their expressions, and adapting after the fact turns your speech into a conversation with your audience.


  眼神交流在英语演讲中的作用六、It will help you talk at a more pleasing pace 会改变你的说话速度

  When you look someone in the eyes for about three to five seconds it will actually slow your speech down. This helps you talk at a more natural pace and makes it easier for others to understand you.



上一篇 2022年9月15日 下午12:23
下一篇 2022年9月15日 下午12:28


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