


  Good morning, everyone !

  April 22nd will be the 41st “Earth Day ”.This year’s theme is to live with low carbon.

  Earth Day originated from America. On April 22nd ,1970,US Democratic Senator ?Gaylord Nelson ,and a student from Harvard University-Dennis Hayes,organized an activity named “Earth Day”. Many people in the USA joined them. The purpose was to callon all the people to keep our environment clean and protect our earth .

  The earth is our common home ,but some of our activities cause serious damages to the earth .Now ,forests,lakes,wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate;Coal,oil,gas and other non-renewable energy sources face depletion due to over-exploitation;Emissions of greenhouse gases cause global warming;ice caps in the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting down and sea-level rises which threaten human survival and development .


  On Earth Day, 175 world leaders met at the United Nations to sign the Paris Agreement, a historic pact to curb the carbon emissions behind climate change. Several speakers kicked off the ceremony by describing what's at stake, culminating with an urgent, cogent plea from new Academy Award-winner Leonardo DiCaprio.

  "Yes, we have achieved the Paris Agreement. More countries have come together to sign this agreement today than for any other cause in the history of humankind, and that is reason for hope," DiCaprio said, praising the first international treaty that commits both developed and developing nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions. "But unfortunately the evidence shows us that it will not be enough. Our planet cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong."

  "You know that climate change is happening faster than even the most pessimistic of scientists warned us decades ago. It has become a runaway freight train bringing with it an impending disaster for all living things," DiCaprio said. "Think about the shame each of us will carry when our children and grandchildren look back and realize we had the means of stopping this devastation, but simply lacked the political will."

  "We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean absolutely nothing if you return to your countries and fail to push beyond the promises of this historic agreement. Now is the time for bold, unprecedented action. My friends, look at the delegates around you. It's time to ask yourselves which side of history you will be on."


  In September 1969, at a conference in Seattle, Washington, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstrationon the environment. Senator Nelson first proposed the nationwide environmental protest to thrust the environment onto the national agenda. "It was a gamble," he recalls, "but it worked."

  Each year, the April 22 Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. Environment was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news. But Earth Day 1970 turned that all around.

  On April 22, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. Denis Hayes, the national coordinator, and his youthful staff organized massive coast-to-coast rallies. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values.

  Earth Day 20xx sent the message loud and clear that citizens the world 'round wanted quick and decisive action on clean energy. Earth Day 20xx was one of the largest Earth Days to date, with an estimated billion people participating in the activities in thousands of places like Kiev, Ukraine; Caracas, Venezuela; Tuvalu; Manila, Philippines; Togo; Madrid, Spain; London; and New York.


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