


  I was an orphan, but after marriage husband child caring, smart man, I finally get rid of the shadow of childhood. However, a car accident I was a single mother drop from the clouds, there is no source. I don't want a lifetime on the dole, he decided to return to the university campus. I have to find a better degree work, raising his son grow up. However, there was no family support and encouragement, I soon found that this road is very difficult.

  One night, at the school the reminder letter, my last defence collapsed. Take care of his son, part-time, class, exam. So many things to deal with, a person can only I alone, tears fell down.

  My little son saw me cry, and ran away with a toy, a look of concern and anxiety. "Never mind, my mother is too lonely," I explained incoherently, there are a lot of things to do, but no helper"

  The son looked at with bright eyes: "God is a man made Adam and Eve, he is single parents like you!" his words lightning hit me. I said: "you're too good, my son!" her son, "Mom to this sentence. Tell all the people!"

  The second day, I borrowed the money and bought 100 coffee cups, printed on the son said: "God is single parents!" I advertised on the Internet, the quilt was sold out. A unit of the Family Association called to book 1000, the semester tuition solved. Whenever I see the desk of the coffee cup always the courage to smile said: "afraid of what God is single parents"








  The Bible says, someone to take a group of guests, the guests leave, they found that the original is an emissary. From the parents to teach children that met the ragged or ugly man must not neglect, and to help him, because he is an angel.

  This often reminds me of one thing in Philadelphia experienced a few years ago, every thought of this matter, my heart will feel happy.

  It was a windy night, I stayed at the hotel for an elderly couple. They have nothing. The man in shabby baggage hotel waiter said: "all the other hotels are full, we stay in your office?"

  The young man explained at the same time, the city in 3, the city was so full. "But I couldn't bear to see you two have a shelter. So, I put my bed to you – I do not matter, in a cabinet shop".

  The morning of the second day, the old man to pay the rent when the man said: "young man, when you got the first hotel manager. Maybe some day I will give you a big hotel"

  Man listened, laughed.

  Two years later, one day, the young man received a letter attached to a ticket to New York, inviting him to return to his two years ago that rainy night guests

  The young man came to the heavy traffic in New York, the old man took him to Fifth Avenue and thirty-fourth Street Interchange, pointing to a towering spectacular building said: "young people, this is your cover Hotel, please you as a manager"

  Well, this young man at that time is Oslo Hotel Victoria but now we are all familiar with New York's premier manager George Poulter, the old man is William, Mr.











  An old man fishing in the river, a child came to see him fishing, skilled people, so not long to catch a full basket of fish, the old man is a lovely child, take the whole basket of fish to him, the child shook his head, the man asked in surprise: "why don't you?" the little boy answer: "I want your fishing rod." the old man asked: "what are you doing fishing?" he said: "this fish did not take long to finish, if I have a fishing rod, I can catch on, life could not finish eating."

  I think you will say: what a clever kid. If he was wrong, as long as the fishing rod, that he can not eat a fish. Because he did not understand the skills of fishing, fishing rod is light there is no use, because the fishing was not important "fishing rod" and "fishing technology."

  There are too many people think they have a life of the rod, and no fear in the rain, this will inevitably fall on the muddy ground. As the kids see the elderly, think that as long as the poles will not eat fish, the staff look like the boss, as long as they sit in the Office, there are rolled into the financing.





上一篇 2022年12月11日 下午6:52
下一篇 2022年12月11日 下午6:57


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