

  student council speech

  many people are running for vice president. but how many will make it through? one. in that case that one person needs to be good at many different things. a person who runs for vice president needs many good traits such as responsibility, being respectful, and of course, a good leader. i will describe all my experiences within these three traits.

  in nearly everyone’s speech, they declare themselves as a responsible person. so in order to make yourself memorable you have to include something special. now i don’t think everyone has two birds that make a mess every single day as pets. who do you think cleans their cage up and feeds them every day? there’s only one answer, me. now i know, those of you who have a cat or dog are starting to say, “oh that’s easy, i bet birds are easier to keep than a cat or dog.” you’re wrong. reason 1: birds cannot be potty trained. reason 2: they are very annoying and can start chirping at night, and reason 3: birds are very stubborn sometimes and play smart with you. reason 4: they can fly. one day without feeding the little birdies, they will go crazy and start flying around the cage like maniacs. trust me, it is hard work. so it’s very important to be responsible in that case.

  moving on to being respectful. now look, when you’re not respectful you are not going to make a good leader. a leader who argues a lot to friends or teachers is never ever going to be cooperative. well then he/she wouldn’t be considered a leader. arguing every possible way is considered very disrespectful, and i don’t usually argue unless it’s for a very appropriate reason. teamwork is very important between all the student council officers.

  what do both of these traits refer to? being a good leader. if you want a good leader then you would want a person with these two traits. walking proudly with braggy manners is not what i call a good leader. what i call a good leader is a modest, responsible, and respectful leader.

  what does all i have said, refer to? voting for vice president. if you want a good vice president, vote for me! emily huang. e-m-i-l-y. remember? don’t forget me after all the speeches that follow! bye!

  haun elementary school student council



上一篇 2022年12月10日 上午10:23
下一篇 2022年12月10日 上午10:28


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