
  842 Bigelow StreetDoverNew HampshireHastings &Johnson Company92 Summer StreetBoston, MassachusettsGentlemen, Please consider this letter my application for the position of bookkeeper in your accounting department, which was advertised in the Boston Traveler of J une 14.I shall graduate the last of this month from the Dover High School, having co mpleted the four-year commercial course. I have attained an average of 89 in all of my Courses.For the past three summers, I have been employed in the office of the Walter Gog gin Shoe Company. In this work I have gained valuable experience in office routi ne. I helped in the preparation of the monthly statement ,handled remittances, a nd assisted one of the bookkeepers with the monthly report.My record at high school together with the practical experience which I have rec eived makes me feel reasonably confident that I could be of material assistance to you.I am permitted to refer you to:Mr. Earle R. Smith, PrincipalDover High SchoolDover, New HampshireMr. Edward l. Post, Office ManagerWalter Goggin Shoe CompanyDover. New HampshireMr. Harold S. Harvey, AttorneyProfessional BuildingDover, New HampshireI believe that an interview will enable you to determine definitely my fi tness for the position referred to in the opening paragraph of this letter.Very truly yours, Lawrence Johnson


上一篇 2022年10月16日 下午2:21
下一篇 2022年10月16日 下午2:24


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