

  Name: HU Shi   Sex: Female

  Date of Birth: February 10, 1974 Nationality: China

  Marital Status: Married  Health: Excellent

  Address: Suite 20xx, No. 319 Chang de Rd, Jing’an District, Shanghai

  E-mail: nurse…@


  Period: From September 201* to July 201*

  Graduating College: Shanghai No. 2. Medical University

  Award: Graduation Diploma in Nursing

  Licenses/Certificates, Further Education

  -Registered Nurse in China since 201*.

  -Passed RN Examination in China in 201*.

  From May 201* to October 201*, Intensive Training for CGGNS in Beijing Medical University, Successfully passed CGFNS exams in Beijing in November 201*.

  IELTS Score: 6.5 Overall, Listening 6.0, Reading 6.0, Writing 6, Speaking 7.

  Work Experience

  Period: August 201* to November 201*

  Job Title: Registered Nurse

  Ward: Surgical-Orthopaedic Ward, Hua Shan Hospital, Shanghai, China

  Thirty-bedded general surgical and orthopaedic care unit included two high dependency beds. Admissions to this unit may be either emergencies coming from Accident & Emergency Department or elective cases booked for surgeries from special clinics. Patients cared for include surgical patients sustained alimentary disorders such as: tumors of esophagus, stomach and colon, appendicitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, hernia, diverticular disease, biliary and hepatic disorders, peritonitis, injuries to liver, spleen or chest, etc. Orthopaedic patients mainly included fractures and dislocations of bones and joints, degeneration and inflammation of bones, joints, nerves, muscles and tendons.


  Apply common used traction, assist doctors or technicians in plaster cast application, co-operate with physiotherapits and occupational therapists in helping patients to restore function in activities of daily living, establish and carry out nursing care plan, patient health education, wound management and pain control, make rounds with doctors, maintain central lines and drains, supervise and guide junior staff.

  Equipments Used:

  Splints, slings and braces, CPM machine, Volume Infusion Pump, VAC(vacuum) Machine, Compact Feeding Machine, Patient Self-controlled Analgesic Infusion Machine, Lifescan Blood Sugar Monitoring System, Dynamap Vital Signs Recorder, AV Lower Limb Pump, Pulse Oxymeter, continuous and intermittent suction, Pulmo-Aide Nebulizer, Air-Viva, ventilation reservoir bag, Hewlett Packard Defibrillator, and ECG machine

  Job Title: Registered Nurse

  Ward:  General Surgical Ward, International SOS Guangzhou Office


上一篇 2022年9月7日 上午11:57
下一篇 2022年9月7日 上午11:59


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