
  1. Shall you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer? 贵酒店明年暑期是否需要一名有经验的柜台部职员? 2. Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young man with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period. 因我渴望在七、八月间获得会计实务经验,特备函问询你处是否需雇用受过三年训练略有经验的年轻人?在假期中我或可添补贵公司空缺。 3. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager I am looking for a postion asassistant shipping clerk. 人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份助理船务职员的工作。 4. Perhaps there is a position in your organization for an young, experienced, and conscientious secretary stenographer. 请问贵公司是否需要一名年青、有经验、负责的女秘书兼速记员? 5. I want a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company. Here are my reasons. Your organization is more than just a busienss house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike. For the past four years, while specializing in accounting at colege, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization in the accounting department. I graduate in June. As I write this letter, I do not know that there is an opening at persent, but here are my qualifications which prompt me to make application now. 本人需要一份工作,不是任何公司的任何工作,而是贵公司的一个职位。贵公司不只是商店,而是大众都知晓的机构。以公正、证实的美誉远近驰名。在大学主修会计四年来,内心早就想到贵公司会计部工作,今年七月即将毕业。写此信时,不知贵公司目前是否有空缺,但是下列的资历促使本人冒昧提出申请。 6. As it is nearing the Christmas season, it occurs to me that you many need additional assistance in selling gifts in your shop. I have a whole week before Christmas, from December 18-24, when I might assist you. I could aslo work evenings from six oclock on, before December 18. 圣诞节将届,想到贵公司可能需要销售礼物的助理,本人在圣诞节前一周(十二月十八日至二十四日)有空,可以帮忙。十八日以前每晚六时后也可以。 7. Gentlemen: Attention of Personnel Manager Like many other young men, I am looking for a position. I want to get stated, at the bottom, perhaps, but started. 人事部主任:本人和很多年青人一样正在寻找工作。本人想要有个开头,从基层做起。 来源:中青网


上一篇 2022年8月27日 下午8:23
下一篇 2022年8月27日 下午8:27


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