
  Letter of Appointment

  Employer/Company Details:

  Date: ______________________

  Applicant's Details:

  Dear Mr. Jones

  We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _______________________ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures.

  We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing.

  Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ________________________20____.

  We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you.

  Yours faithfully


  Name and Title of Employer


  Name of Applicant

  Our written offer of employment sample letter covers the following which you may want to insert before your closing sentence.

  We would like to confirm the remuneration terms of your appointment as follows:

  Place of Employment: E.g. Head Office, Regional office location or another country

  Commencement date: Starting date of employment

  Salary: E.g. $80 000 per annum, payable weekly/monthly etc.

  Vacation: Number of weeks/days paid leave per year

  Bonus / Incentives: Outline of the bonus and/or incentive structure

  Allowances: E.g. Amount allowed for automobile, entertaining, out of pocket expenses etc.

  Benefits: E.g. Any Company contributions towards medical insurance or retirement funds not covered in the salary

  Signing Bonus: E.g. $1000 (if applicable)


上一篇 2022年7月17日 上午10:31
下一篇 2022年7月17日 上午10:33


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