

  买方:     卖方:

  Buyer:    Seller:

  地址:     地址:

  Address:   Address:

  电话:    电话:

  Tel:     Tel:

  传真:    传真:

  Fax:     Fax:

  电子邮件:  电子邮件:

  E-mail:   E-mail:


  This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity:

  1 商品名称

  1 Commodity




  Crop year:

  类别: (细绒棉 ,长绒棉)

  Category: _________ (upland cotton, long-staple cotton)

  加工方式: ÿ锯齿棉 ÿ皮辊棉

  Ginning: ÿ saw ginned ÿ roller ginned

  2 规格/质量

  2 Specifications/Quality

  级别: ÿ USDA通用棉花标准

  Grade: ÿ USDA Universal Cotton Standards

  ÿ 凭小样(小样型号)

  ÿ  by type:

  长度: (英寸,毫米)

  Staple Length: (inch/mm)

  马克隆值:       NCL

  Micronaire:       NCL

  断裂比强度值: 最小值 克/特克斯,平均值 克/特克斯以上

  Strength: minimum grams/tex,

  average above grams/tex

  3 数量

  3 Quantity

  净重: (吨,磅,包)

  Net Weight: (ton/pound/bale)

  溢短装率:    %(默认值为1.5%) ÿ 不允许多装

  Weight Tolerance Ratio    %( If not specified here, 1.5% will be applied)

  ÿ Excess not allowed

  吨与磅的换算公式: 1吨=2204.62磅

  Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds


  4 Price

  单价: (美分/磅,人民币元/吨)

  Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound or RMB(Yuan)/ton)

  价格条件: (CIF,CFR, FOB,其它)

  Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others)

  总价: (美元,人民币元)

  Total Value: (USD/RMB)

  5付款方式 ÿ 信用证 ÿ 凭单托收 ÿ 其它

  5 Payment Terms ÿ Letter of Credit ÿ D/P ÿ Others


  6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQ Inspection Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation

  7装运/交货日期:从­­­——(年月日)到——(年月日),或按月等量装运/交货(每月数量) (吨,磅,包)

  7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from­­­­_________(mm/dd/yy) to_______(mm/dd/yy)

  Or equal monthly shipment/delivery as follows: ___________( ton, pound, bale)


  8 Destination:


  9 General Terms


  The General Terms shall constitute an integral part of the Contract. Amendment to or deletion of any general terms shall be specified in the Remarks.

  10 仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方同意提交: (ÿ中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会[CIETAC];ÿ 国际棉花协会[ICA]; ÿ 其它仲裁机构),按照申请仲裁时该仲裁机构现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

  10 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be referred to ( ÿ CIETAC ,ÿICA ,ÿ OTHERS )for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules effective at the time of application.

  11 本合同采用书面形式,由买卖双方授权代表签字。双方在合同签订日之前以其它书面通讯方式,如信函、电报、传真或电子邮件形式达成的成交内容,须由本合同确认。

  11 This Contract shall be made in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. The signed or stamped contract shall verify the terms and conditions of the contract previously agreed to at an earlier date in other written communications including mail, telegraph, fax, or e-mail.

  12 备注

  12 Remarks

  买方签字:           卖方签字:

  Signature of the Buyer:      Signature of the Seller:

  日 期:           日 期:


上一篇 2022年11月20日 上午10:17
下一篇 2022年11月20日 上午10:22


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