


  ________, ________, height ________ meters, oval face, white skin, big eyes, temperament elegant, wearing a light red dress, white leather sandals. In ________ month ________ days away from home, has not returned. If I see this, please contact your family as soon as possible. There are those who know the whereabouts, please contact the Department of __________ __________, _______________ University Li Qiang, Tel: _______________ or please contact, and __________ city _______________ Road police station _____, contact:_______________  Tel: _______________. Thank you.


  _______________ , _______________ , _______________  Province, Shaoyang City, Dongkou County, ________ cm, height: date of birth: ________ years ________ month ________, in __________ years _____ month _____ from Dongkou County in Hunan Shaoyang City Township Middle School home, may go to Dongguan Changan. Description: dyed brown hair, just the acne on the face, walking shoulder yellow ladies handbag, bag chain handle, hand a black cloth with a large, as ID card, ID number: _______________, the family is very worried! There are more than four years old in the family, and the small stores that are contracted are unattended. Please pay attention to the majority of users and volunteers to help the person, such as a person, please provide clues to provide accurate information fee: ________ yuan. Contact: ________


  _______________ , _______________ , born from _______________ , Jiangsu County of Baoying province ________ Year Month Date: ________ ________, height: 160 cm, semi curly hair, dyed black hair, ID number: ___________________, illiterate, can not eat chewing gum and xylitol, otherwise it will feel belly pain, Huaian accent with a Yunnan accent, missing date __________: year _____ month ________, missing location: Weiyang District of Jiangsu province oil villa in Yangzhou City, Shuyang County, Yunnan: may go to Wenshan or Kunming, Jiangsu, Suqian. If insiders, please provide clues to provide accurate information fee: _____ yuan, who escorted home: ________ yuan fee. Contact: ________


上一篇 2022年10月24日 上午9:27
下一篇 2022年10月24日 上午9:36


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