


  Leaving certificate

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam / miss, since _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ to _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day in our company as a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Department ) of the _ _ _ _ _ _ position, due to _ _ _ personal _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons resignation, now with the company to terminate the labor relationship. Hereby certify that!

  Company name ( seal)

  Year, month and day


  Leaving certificate

  Party A: (name )

  B : ID number:

  Party B shall _ was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Department ) of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( post ), in 20xx 08 on the 31 mutual agreement to terminate the labor contract. The parties acknowledge the termination of labor relations.

  Both are now available on the economic compensation and the existence of the labor relations during all agree, and has a lump. At the same time, Party A Party B completes resignation procedures for.

  Hereby certify that.

  Party A: Party B signed ( signature ):


上一篇 2022年8月3日 上午8:56
下一篇 2022年8月3日 上午8:58



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