

  Ya, each time meets writes Zhou Jidu to have to let oneself think,considers! Has impatience which that selects!Yes, teacher, I likes collecting the vehicle model very much,specially the racing bicycle, did not know is why, sees the attractivevehicle to be able to be unable to put down, very wants to go to haveit, but does not have that ability. Was always fantasizing own can have a real racing bicycle, replaces the foot which oneself is injured to run on the spacious street, then felt should be happiest, said at least regarding me! Because always likes fantasizing, own always have

  very many is the average man thought not the normal response, does not want to study, likes a person being in a daze, a person window-shops,a person is having the camera traveling, always thought a person is

  most romantic, but in other people's eye, that is the odd person. ButI am this!I like travelling, therefore I compare care about and deeply love English, I give own request am must learn English, other all do not matter outside, I want to go abroad, go to roam about one side,

  certainly I meet study, only is the way and the place which I studies disagrees others to be same, after all, I thought oneself present is wasting the time, the science subjects may say is cannot understand completely, attends class writes writes an article, reads, like this,a day-long day always that in vain waste, therefore I thought the next semester did not read, reads English wholeheartedly, Year studies the

  good English for oneself, then starts own life journey!

  Perhaps teacher, you can think my very rebel, but I am this, because I treasure my time very much, my life, I never knew my tomorrow could be any appearance, this world always in the change, will be able to handle oneself happy and the joyful matter after all, that will be I this fresh responsibility!






  Hello everyone.Today I‘m glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University.

  First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time.But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be nobody remind me

  except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find them.The change of life is great and it‘s wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live.

  My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has become a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more competitions in my campus life.

  Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that I‘ve got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!







上一篇 2022年7月31日 下午2:24
下一篇 2022年7月31日 下午2:26


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